
Posts Tagged ‘religion’

During August in Dallas, TX, the last thing one would want to do is appreciate the Sun.  The temperatures are over 100 degrees day after day and everyone just wants to escape the sun and the heat, not appreciate it.

How could our lives be changed if we turned that around?  If we appreciated the miracle that is occurring?


“This is the miracle–
Every tree becomes beautiful
When touched by sunlight;
Every soul becomes God
When touched by the Sun of Tabriz” –  Rumi 1


This month’s New Moon took place in gold-hearted Leo. Astrologers typically describe Leo as extroverted, playful, and creative. Yet perhaps because Leo is placed in the 12th house of my own natal chart, I find meaning in its deeper side, experiencing it as a kind of inner “pilot light.“  In this sense Leo can manifest as the spiritual light-force that powers our faith for, as Rumi writes, “He is the Sun in whose track every heart must follow.” 1

Mystics across the centuries, for instance, have spoken of the Sun as a doorway to the realms of spirit.

How can we rekindle the light of our soul hidden within us? How can we experience the Divine Light that is our original nature? To begin with, it helps to concentrate on the light we see reflected in nature.  Find a place to meditate outside, or position yourself near a window.  Soak in the sunlight that shimmers through the air and lovingly caresses the trees and plants. Feel yourself warmed by the Sun’s rays; allow your body to be filled with its vital, life-giving magnetism.  Close your eyes and, as you inhale and exhale, breathe in sunlight until your whole body is vibrant with light. Feel your aura radiate. Let your consciousness expand into space; be awed by the fiery plumes of light exploding from the Sun’s corona.  Spin with the planets as they encircle it’s mother star.

Next, imagine that your whole psyche is being bathed in a shower of light.  Allow every dark corner of yourself to be lit up; experience the Sun’s kindness as it generously melts away your fear, shame and guilt. The Sun is the ultimate lover: all your hard, unforgiving edges melt away in its broad, beneficent, light-giving Being.  Slowly, as you feel more and more filled with light, you may feel as if you have returned to a place that feels familiar.  For as it is taught in many wisdom traditions, your true self is a ray of light descended from the Sun of Suns, the Divine source. During the course of your journey on earth, however, the core of light within you became veiled, eclipsed by the darkness of forgetfulness and ignorance. Now, experience the joy and love that comes from reconnecting with your genuine heritage as a being of light.

Finally, close your meditation by experiencing the light coalesce into a solar disc within the inner chamber of your heart.  Recall, for instance, images of saints and prophets whose hearts were aflame with love of God, light streaming from this divine center through their fingertips, illuminating their faces, shooting out the top of their head in aureoles of luminescence.  It is the power of their faith that burns so brightly; it is knowledge of their true origins that generates their soft glow.  So remember, when life is hard, and the embers of faith burn low, that your heart, too, is a Sun, a “light upon light”   whose home is in the stars.

Taken from:



Rumi: In the Arms of the Beloved, by Jonathan Star

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“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”  Hermes Trismegistus


This principle, which pervades all things, is perfectly exemplified in the video above where world famous scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson answers the question of “what is the most astounding fact about the universe?” It is a fascinating example of Hermetic law.

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The Seven Principles taught by Hermes Trismegistus

These are the seven principles taught by Hermes Trismegistus, also known as Hermes, the Greek God of travelers/thieves/commerce and the messenger of the Gods. He was also known as the great priest Thoth to the Egyptians.

“….it is understood that these ideas where passed from Master to Initiate for generations, for the purpose of personal growth and with the intention of achieving a greater and deeper understanding of the self, the world and beyond. For the student of religion, philosophy and science, the Hermetic teachings act as the key to tying all of the different schools of thought into one cohesive body of knowledge.”

The Seven Principles of the Universe:

1. Principle of Mentalism: “All is Mind”

2. Principle of Correspondence: “As is above, so is below.  As is below, so is above.”

3. Principle of Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

4. Principle of Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has an opposite, and opposites are identical in nature but different in degree.”

5. Principle of Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left- rhythm compensates.”

6. Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”

7. Principle of Gender: “Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”




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At The Tree Of Knowledge


The fruit of the tree of knowledge is a delectably beautiful thing

Wrapped within each divine fruit dwells a diffusion of truth

Our being, which is wholly connected to the energy that makes us, 

desires and burns for this truth.


Once this truth is taken within us we know

and are born again into a state of separateness.

Thus, we continue to seek and desire divine truths

until once again we are reborn combining the completeness 

of divine energy and the knowledge of truth we have tapped into.


We, each of us, wisely chose to eat of this fruit time and time again.

We chose our paths.



our path.

Somewhere we sit already complete in divine energy and truth.


But here, on Momma Gaia, the path that 

I have chosen becomes manifest as does the truth I seek.

And wild in the woods of this plane of existence, I continue to seek with my 

kin, truth and wholeness. 

Truth and wholeness, that begins at the Tree of Knowledge.


by Lily

Tree of Knowledge Initiate

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Our Mother


Our Mother who art within us

Each breath brings us to you.

Thy wisdom come,

Thy will be done

as we honor your presence within us.

You give us this day all that we need.

Your bounty calls us to give and receive

all that is loving and pleasurable.

You are the courage that moves us

to be true to ourselves

and we act with grace and power.

We relax into your cycles of

birth, growth, death, and renewal.

Out of the womb, the darkness, the void,

comes new life.

For you are the Mother of All Things.

Your body is the Sacred Earth

and our bodies.

Your love nurtures us and unites us all.

Now and forever more.


Dale Allen

(a woman)



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